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Located in beautiful Bozeman Montana, Ravenwulf Consulting is owned by Heather Kahler.

A little background:

My first real job was baking fruit pies from scratch at a historic roadside orchard and fruit stand in Gold Rush Country in California. The fragrant orchard, the early hours, workers bringing in apples warm from the sun . . . although physically demanding, every day was a little piece of heaven. Here, under the guidance of a multi-generational farming family, I learned many of the foundational skills underlying who I am today: work ethic, care for ingredients, love of craft, healthy team communication, and respect for the customer.

What this taught me:

Every step of my career path - from the fruit stand, to serving in historic wine-country restaurants, restaurant ownership, executive chef at a nationwide hotel chain, to mortgage loan servicing, to leading in a light manufacturing and fulfillment organization - has built on these initial skills and principles.

Now, with over 30 years experience in multiple industries, and positions from individual contributor to executive to business owner, I’m uniquely skilled to help you, your team, or your business clearly understand your challenges, define your desired outcomes, and create a plan to make the transition.

Let's work together!

Whether you are seeking transformation personally, for your team, or for your organization, Ravenwulf Consulting offers vision and guidance to accomplish tangible results. To get started, please use the form to send me a message.
